I made a political decision by switching from GoDaddy to Squarespace.

I made a political decision by switching from GoDaddy to Squarespace.
I've meant to do this for a few years.
Now I have to do it if only for my own self-respect.

Squarespace is more expensive than GoDaddy, and who knows where my career is going, but I have to put my money where my mouth is, and support the businesses that try to make things better, rather than try to make them worse.

I hadn't updated my site on GoDaddy since 2008; I've just been using my facebook fanpage for updates.

But now, no one even sees anything there, so here I am, uploading my artwork, starting with My RECORD COLLECTION Series to Squarespace on a Saturday night.

This isn't meant to be interesting; it's just a test for my first post.